Epilogue :
I was undoubtedly imparted with this new sense of well-being. Life was slowly dwindling back into rhythm. My likeness of Manchester was manifesting itself and it was visible now that this was where I belonged. I was prepared for anything. Like every civilian that remained here I was ready to get wet. Drought had become my friend, but somewhere inside my heart I prayed for a storm, and I’d gotten it. Thick clouds with thunderous monstrosities bore down on me now. The release was magnificent. Rob always said it would be easy. I propose in time it would be. For now I was satisfied. Release bubbling through my veins, I was free. My heart was bound by blinding light and dusty shade, yet my mind was an inch from the finish line and would soon complete the race it’d been striving for.
It was now the month of December and the rush of the winter winds blew through me with power and authority. I hadn’t heard from him since he left almost a week ago, and I wasn’t expecting to. I was ready to tear my way through my goals and dreams. I wanted to breathe smoke. Rob and I had mutually agreed that I should take the position offered to me at Elle Magazine, but was I really meant to seek my destiny and find it, not hidden away, but in plain sight? I had bought myself a one way ticket back to New York and there was now nothing in my way but open sky.
What is love but an undiscovered disease? It’s only something that eats away at your heart until your left for nothing but yourself. Was I not better off without this dreadful sickness? I was determined to stay away until one day they found the cure – that magic cure for heartbreaks that everyone is so desperate to discover. Time heals all wounds, but in this instant I felt that nothing could make up the amount of time needed to mend what was left of me.
I climbed aboard the plane and smiled politely at the stewardess, shuffling past the family of five trying desperately to get their little ones situated.
(c) 2009 M.Duke
Let Me Sign