I originally felt the feeling of another disappointment. This traditional game of love and loss was beginning to lose it's rhythm and fading into just another ritual of the day. Until, that is, you intruded yourself into my life. I'm guessing it was about guy number seven that I had stopped to take a rest with. I know this has been said before, but you literally rocked my world. I was unhinged from my continual doubts. When you first saw me did you know you would love me? When I spoke to you did you know my voice would soon wake you up every morning to start your day? This will soon be the time in both of our lives where we have to make a choice. Stay on this road of casual dating or leap into a path with direction and purpose... I actually love you. I hardly know you. I'll always need you.
I prayed for a year that God would send me someone that was right for me and that I would never have to cry myself to sleep anymore for being all alone. Now every night before I go to bed I see your face and know that everything is solid in my life. I've made sacrifices for you and I've lost a lot for you.
It is now that I know things are right.
The things I want in life are coming into focus. Opportunities are presenting themselves and old foundational friendships have been restored. If it is not meant to be you, I am not meant to be happy.
I see my child's face when I look into your eyes.
I see the rest of my life folding out along this new path we've chosen.
Even when I can't decide the things that are right, you make me who I am.
I promise I will put all of my will towards making this work and loving you forever.
Thank you for coming into my life when I wasn't even looking.
Right as I decided to give up all hope in finding someone to make me happy - there was you.
You promised you would never leave me.
I believe you.
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