Ladies and gentlemen I have great news to spread across the land! The first installment of my 3-4 book series is officially completed! I never thought I'd see the day when I was finally satisfied with the results and I could stop editing and making changes. I started writing this book on July 21st 2009 and now two and a half years later I can say it's finally done. It took a lot of self-discipline and determination to set a goal to actually go through with this, but I did it! And I couldn't be more proud and excited for myself! The next step is obviously to start work on the second installment which I've already started in rations. But more importantly I need to crack down on finding an agent to represent me and who likes my work. That will be the real challenge.
I have high hopes for this and I am crossing my fingers that one day my fans will be reading this and get to have a first hand feel of everything I went through to get to where I am. I truly believe this is what I'm meant to do and what I've learned is that the things that are meant to be always find there way in the end.
Thanks for everyone's support throughout the years. I hope I can continue to make you proud.