Today's announcement is more of a tweak to a previous update. The original plan for next year, along with releasing the first book in The Mind Breaker Accounts, was to release four Small Circles short stories on ebook. These four novellas are still going to be released in 2015, but instead of staggering their release, they will be bound together in one paperback called Negative Spaces. This is set to be published in November!
Stay tuned for more on The Mind Breaker Accounts, and clues to the surprise novel in 2016!
Writer of Stories.

Saturday, December 27, 2014
Sunday, December 14, 2014
The Next Two Years...
I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season! I've said this at the beginning of nearly every post, but I can't believe the blog tour has gone by so quickly! This YEAR has gone by even faster! Infinite Limits will be available on Amazon and Kindle on TUESDAY! (So unreal.)
But that's not what I'm here to discuss. I participated in a Google+ Hangout with Ana ( and Jaclyn ( on Friday, and we had a lovely time discussing the Small Circles books!
You can go back and watch it here:
During the live stream, I mentioned that I had a secret book project in the making, as well as a plan that I somewhat kind of already announced. So, I'll now take the time to properly tell you all the details.
First: In the year 2015, there will be 4 Small Circles short stories released on ebook. The first will be published in March and will be about when Silas and Larson first get reconnected. This story will mostly be from Larson's perspective but will also include a bit of Silas' POV as well. The second story will be available in May, and it will be about when Paxton and Audrina first lost their virginities to each other... from Paxton's POV! The last two will be revealed towards the beginning of the year, so stay tuned!
Second: The secret project is another novel. And it goes along with the Small Circles series. I can't say much about it just yet, but after Infinite Limits is released I'll be able to share more! Mostly, it's because the plot is a major spoiler for the final book. I can say this, it's set sixteen years after the end of Infinite Limits... and it will be the last book involving any of the characters from this series. It will be released in 2016.
Finally, I am still planning the release of the first installment in The Mind Breaker Accounts. That will be in May also, and I'm very excited to start working on the covers with Vania from VLC Photo. If you haven't seen her work, she did the cover design and photography for Silent Echo by Elisa Freilich. You can also view some of her other photos here.
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Years and everything else in between! No matter what you celebrate, this time of year is about being with family and friends, so share this season with the ones that mean the most!
It's okay to be happy!
But that's not what I'm here to discuss. I participated in a Google+ Hangout with Ana ( and Jaclyn ( on Friday, and we had a lovely time discussing the Small Circles books!
You can go back and watch it here:
During the live stream, I mentioned that I had a secret book project in the making, as well as a plan that I somewhat kind of already announced. So, I'll now take the time to properly tell you all the details.
First: In the year 2015, there will be 4 Small Circles short stories released on ebook. The first will be published in March and will be about when Silas and Larson first get reconnected. This story will mostly be from Larson's perspective but will also include a bit of Silas' POV as well. The second story will be available in May, and it will be about when Paxton and Audrina first lost their virginities to each other... from Paxton's POV! The last two will be revealed towards the beginning of the year, so stay tuned!
Second: The secret project is another novel. And it goes along with the Small Circles series. I can't say much about it just yet, but after Infinite Limits is released I'll be able to share more! Mostly, it's because the plot is a major spoiler for the final book. I can say this, it's set sixteen years after the end of Infinite Limits... and it will be the last book involving any of the characters from this series. It will be released in 2016.
Finally, I am still planning the release of the first installment in The Mind Breaker Accounts. That will be in May also, and I'm very excited to start working on the covers with Vania from VLC Photo. If you haven't seen her work, she did the cover design and photography for Silent Echo by Elisa Freilich. You can also view some of her other photos here.
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Years and everything else in between! No matter what you celebrate, this time of year is about being with family and friends, so share this season with the ones that mean the most!
It's okay to be happy!
Monday, December 8, 2014
Paxton and Larson (#10InfiniteWeeks)
This will be my final post for the 10 Infinite Weeks blog tour! It's finally week 10, which means Infinite Limits comes out NEXT WEEK! I am on the edge of my seat waiting for you all to be able to read it!
Since I didn't have time to post about Paxton last week, I've decided to post about Paxton and Larson together. More or less, I'll be discussing their friendship.
We know that Paxton met Larson in elementary school. Their connection locked over a blue crayon and a sweater vest. What more can I say, right? Well, most of you that have read the series might think that Larson and Pax's friendship is a bit odd. They are very different. But for some reason it works. Really, it was Larson's extension to offer family that Paxton was so open to. Before, we know that Paxton didn't have the best home life. He didn't have a mother. His father was never around. And he had an arm's length relationship with his grandmother that did most of the providing. When Larson becomes his friend, he's brought into the Ashby home. He sees what a real family could be. Even if it's slightly screwed up in its own ways. I mentioned in previous posts that Paxton's connection with Jade is a healthy one, because she pushes him to face his problems instead of avoid them. That's sort of what Larson does as well. But instead of the girlfriend, his role is the best friend.
We first see the nature of their interactions at the beginning of Small Circles. Paxton is smoking a cigarette, and Larson plucks it from his fingers to remind him that he doesn't need to get another detention. It's those sort of moments that show Larson is there to guide Paxton. We all know he doesn't make the best choices. Let's be real. Paxton chooses (whether subconsciously or not) to surround himself with people that will push him in the right direction. Owen, too. He's a great influence on Paxton. It's the relationship that starts with Audrina that really throws him off. Derails him in a way from the path his should have been on.
It's sort of ironic that when 3 people in Paxton's life die, he assumes the worst. He thinks that the people still there are going to leave too. He pushes Jade away, thinking that eventually she'll just abandon him eventually. He distances himself from Larson because he thinks Silas will take his place. It's almost like he forgets that Larson is there. He complains about being alone and depressed and whatever, but he can't see that Larson has always been there. He's always been a friend, first and foremost. Eventually, this is something that Paxton will have to come to terms with. He will have to understand, first hand, that some people are never going to leave him.
As for Larson, he may act confident and tough all the time, but deep down he really cherishes the camaraderie he's found in his life. His friends are extremely important. That was one of the things that made Larson and Owen so similar. They were both very loyal to their friends. Owen was a bit more open about his willingness to listen and be the guy to lean on. Larson had those qualities too, it was just harder to expose. We see it mostly with Paxton - the person he's known the longest. Between the two of them, the reader can really see a true friendship that's grown solid and strong over time.
Welp. I think that's going to be it for me. Follow the rest of this week with Ana over at
On the Thursday, she will be revealing the final trailer for Infinite Limits, so be sure and check out her blog for the link! I'm also planning to do a live stream with her at some point this week, so stay tuned!
(Josh Brown as Larson Ashby / Drew Taylor as Paxton Graham)
Since I didn't have time to post about Paxton last week, I've decided to post about Paxton and Larson together. More or less, I'll be discussing their friendship.
We know that Paxton met Larson in elementary school. Their connection locked over a blue crayon and a sweater vest. What more can I say, right? Well, most of you that have read the series might think that Larson and Pax's friendship is a bit odd. They are very different. But for some reason it works. Really, it was Larson's extension to offer family that Paxton was so open to. Before, we know that Paxton didn't have the best home life. He didn't have a mother. His father was never around. And he had an arm's length relationship with his grandmother that did most of the providing. When Larson becomes his friend, he's brought into the Ashby home. He sees what a real family could be. Even if it's slightly screwed up in its own ways. I mentioned in previous posts that Paxton's connection with Jade is a healthy one, because she pushes him to face his problems instead of avoid them. That's sort of what Larson does as well. But instead of the girlfriend, his role is the best friend.
We first see the nature of their interactions at the beginning of Small Circles. Paxton is smoking a cigarette, and Larson plucks it from his fingers to remind him that he doesn't need to get another detention. It's those sort of moments that show Larson is there to guide Paxton. We all know he doesn't make the best choices. Let's be real. Paxton chooses (whether subconsciously or not) to surround himself with people that will push him in the right direction. Owen, too. He's a great influence on Paxton. It's the relationship that starts with Audrina that really throws him off. Derails him in a way from the path his should have been on.
It's sort of ironic that when 3 people in Paxton's life die, he assumes the worst. He thinks that the people still there are going to leave too. He pushes Jade away, thinking that eventually she'll just abandon him eventually. He distances himself from Larson because he thinks Silas will take his place. It's almost like he forgets that Larson is there. He complains about being alone and depressed and whatever, but he can't see that Larson has always been there. He's always been a friend, first and foremost. Eventually, this is something that Paxton will have to come to terms with. He will have to understand, first hand, that some people are never going to leave him.
As for Larson, he may act confident and tough all the time, but deep down he really cherishes the camaraderie he's found in his life. His friends are extremely important. That was one of the things that made Larson and Owen so similar. They were both very loyal to their friends. Owen was a bit more open about his willingness to listen and be the guy to lean on. Larson had those qualities too, it was just harder to expose. We see it mostly with Paxton - the person he's known the longest. Between the two of them, the reader can really see a true friendship that's grown solid and strong over time.
Welp. I think that's going to be it for me. Follow the rest of this week with Ana over at
On the Thursday, she will be revealing the final trailer for Infinite Limits, so be sure and check out her blog for the link! I'm also planning to do a live stream with her at some point this week, so stay tuned!
(Josh Brown as Larson Ashby / Drew Taylor as Paxton Graham)
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Thanksgiving: A Sneak Peek at Infinite Limits.
So, I guess I lied about there not being a post today...
I was actually in the shower when the idea came to me. You see, I was trying to think of books that are either based around the Thanksgiving holiday, or at least mention it some significant way. Then I remembered that Infinite Limits does just that! So in order to help celebrate how thankful I am for all of you, here is a first look at Infinite Limits...
Jade slumped her shoulders in defeat.
She adjusted her scarf more tightly around her neck.
If she pulled
hard enough, she might choke and pass out, avoiding the situation altogether.
Before she knew it, they were walking up the steps.
They were in the front door. There was warm light
filling the space in her head that had been dark for
months. Mrs. Ashby was taking her coat. Asking her if
she had a pleasant flight. Telling her she was the final
guest to arrive, and assuring that no one was stuffed with turkey yet. Just alcohol.
“I’m so glad you came back to visit,” Mrs. Ashby
cheered. She was escorting Jade into the dining room.
“Larson has missed you dearly.”
Jade tried to remember the last time Larson’s mom
was so attentive. He’d mentioned that things were different at home, but she hadn’t been expecting this.
She noted that Mr. Ashby hadn’t made an appearance.
Maybe that was it.
They’d finally separated.
Jade felt a
lump form in her throat at the thought of just how much she and Larson needed to catch up.
“I’m glad to be back,” she said, returning Mrs. Ashby’s smile with one of her own.
Jade was half-way lying. But it didn’t feel like it.
“Are you planning on going back to Vanderbilt? I
know Larson mentioned you were taking time off.”
brushed a hand through Jade’s hair. “Don’t worry, dear.
Everyone does it. I did. It took me a year before I finally
kicked my rear back into gear, but I did it. Graduated on
schedule, too.”
She winked. “You’ve got the rest of your life to figure out what you want to do with it.”
This was by far the most astounding and inspiring thing Jade had ever heard come out of Mrs. Ashby’s
mouth. She stood with her mouth agape and found herself leaning into the woman, feeling safe.
Mrs. Ashby lit up the room with another smile, then she faced the dining room before them. Everyone Jade
had stumbled across in the past six years was now
sitting at the table, including a few new faces. Silas was
pulling out a chair for Larson as he entered the room
through the kitchen. Larson was carrying the turkey on
a silver platter. He placed it carefully on the cloth surface and took the seat provided for him.
Pre-order Infinite Limits on Kindle HERE!
Available in paperback December 16th on Amazon and B&!
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Owen's iPod (#10InfiniteWeeks)
I present to you...
a handful of songs that inspired Owen's character and struggles.
I'm just going to let you all sit on these. Take some time to read over the lyrics and tell me what you think. (All Lyrics from
1) "Keep Your Head Up"
Keep your mind set, keep your hair long.
Oh my my darlin' keep your head up, keep your heart strong.
No no no no, keep your mind set in your ways, keep your heart strong.
I saw a friend of mine the other day,
And he told me that my eyes were gleamin'.
Oh I said I had been away, and he knew,
Oh he knew the depths I was meanin'.
And it felt so good to see his face,
Or the comfort invested in my soul.
Oh to feel the warmth of a smile,
When he said "I'm happy to have you home.
Ooh I'm happy to have you home."
Yeah, keep your head up, keep your heart strong.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
Keep your mind set, keep you hair long.
Oh my my darlin', keep your head up, keep you heart strong.
No no no no, keep your mind set in your ways,
Keep your heart strong.
'Cause I'll always remember you the same.
Oh eyes like wild flowers within demons of change.
May you find happiness there,
May all your hopes all turn out right.
Ooh may you find happiness there,
May you find warmth in the middle of the night.
Yeah, keep your head up, keep your heart strong.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
Keep your mind set, keep you hair long.
Oh my my darlin', keep your head up, keep you heart strong.
No no no no, keep your mind set in your ways,
Keep your heart strong.
'Cause I'll always remember you the same.
Oh eyes like wild flowers within demons of change.
2) "Please Don't Say You Love Me"
Summer comes, winter fades
Here we are just the same
Don't need pressure, don't need change
Let's not give the game away
There used to be an empty space
A photograph without a face
But with your presence, and your grace
Everything falls into place
Just please don't say you love me
'Cause I might not say it back
Doesn't mean my heart stops skipping when you look at me like that
There's no need to worry when you see just where we're at
Just please don't say you love me
'Cause I might not say it back
Heavy words are hard to take
Under pressure precious things can break
And how we feel is hard to fake
So let's not give the game away
Just please don't say you love me
'Cause I might not say it back
Doesn't mean my heart stops skipping when you look at me like that
There's no need to worry when you see just where we're at
Just please don't say you love me
'Cause I might not say it back
And fools rush in
And I've been the fool before
This time I'm gonna slow it down
'Cause I think this could be more
The thing I'm looking for
Just please don't say you love me
'Cause I might not say it back
Doesn't mean my heart stops skipping when you look at me like that
There's no need to worry when you see just where we're at
Just please don't say you love me
'Cause I might not say it back
Please don't say you love me
'Cause I might not say it back
Doesn't mean my heart stops skipping when you look at me like that
There's no need to worry when you see just where we're at
Just please don't say you love me
'Cause I might not say it back
Just please don't say you love me
'Cause I might not say it back
Here we are just the same
Don't need pressure, don't need change
Let's not give the game away
There used to be an empty space
A photograph without a face
But with your presence, and your grace
Everything falls into place
Just please don't say you love me
'Cause I might not say it back
Doesn't mean my heart stops skipping when you look at me like that
There's no need to worry when you see just where we're at
Just please don't say you love me
'Cause I might not say it back
Heavy words are hard to take
Under pressure precious things can break
And how we feel is hard to fake
So let's not give the game away
Just please don't say you love me
'Cause I might not say it back
Doesn't mean my heart stops skipping when you look at me like that
There's no need to worry when you see just where we're at
Just please don't say you love me
'Cause I might not say it back
And fools rush in
And I've been the fool before
This time I'm gonna slow it down
'Cause I think this could be more
The thing I'm looking for
Just please don't say you love me
'Cause I might not say it back
Doesn't mean my heart stops skipping when you look at me like that
There's no need to worry when you see just where we're at
Just please don't say you love me
'Cause I might not say it back
Please don't say you love me
'Cause I might not say it back
Doesn't mean my heart stops skipping when you look at me like that
There's no need to worry when you see just where we're at
Just please don't say you love me
'Cause I might not say it back
Just please don't say you love me
'Cause I might not say it back
3) "Sooner Or Later"
We're all standing with our backs against the wall, Sooner or later
Waiting on a phone that never calls, at all
Heartbreak comes Rollin in like a storm, Sooner or later
Trying to swim but your sinking like a stone, Alone
and I can feel fire in the night
Waiting here
Baby its like we're
Walking on a wire thru the fear
Take my hand
We'll get there
Sooner or later I swear we're gonna make it, we're gonna make it,
Sooner or later I swear we're gonna make it, we're gonna make it
Milk and honey till we get our fill
I'll keep chasing it I always will
Sooner or later I swear
We'll make it there
Sooner than later
We're all waiting on dream thats hard to own, Sooner or later
trying to feel the high without the low, you know
you can feel fire in the night
lying here
Baby its like we're
Walking on a wire thru the fear
Take my hand
We'll get there
the fear inside
the hills we've climbed
the tears this side of heaven
all these dreams inside of me
i swear were gonna get there
Waiting on a phone that never calls, at all
Heartbreak comes Rollin in like a storm, Sooner or later
Trying to swim but your sinking like a stone, Alone
and I can feel fire in the night
Waiting here
Baby its like we're
Walking on a wire thru the fear
Take my hand
We'll get there
Sooner or later I swear we're gonna make it, we're gonna make it,
Sooner or later I swear we're gonna make it, we're gonna make it
Milk and honey till we get our fill
I'll keep chasing it I always will
Sooner or later I swear
We'll make it there
Sooner than later
We're all waiting on dream thats hard to own, Sooner or later
trying to feel the high without the low, you know
you can feel fire in the night
lying here
Baby its like we're
Walking on a wire thru the fear
Take my hand
We'll get there
the fear inside
the hills we've climbed
the tears this side of heaven
all these dreams inside of me
i swear were gonna get there
4) "Ordinary Love"
I don't wanna be no star
Have fame on the Boulevard
No that's not what I'm looking for
I don't need shiny things
Or love from a movie screen
But I tell you what I really want
Oh oh, oh oh gimme an ordinary love
That I touch
That I hold
Gimme an ordinary love
I don't live in the hills
And I probably never will
But that won't keep me up at night
Cause she's dancing like a fool
Across my living room
Whenever I'm with you
my heart is singing
Oh oh gimme an ordinary love
That I touch
That I hold
Gimme an ordinary love
Keep those fancy things
Keep your magazine
I don't even want what I'm chasing
because all I know isn't ordinary love is what we're made for
Oh oh, oh oh gimme an ordinary love
That I touch
That I hold
Gimme an ordinary love
Oh oh, oh oh gimme an ordinary love
That I touch
That I hold
Gimme an ordinary love
Gimme an ordinary love
Yeah gimme an ordinary love
Have fame on the Boulevard
No that's not what I'm looking for
I don't need shiny things
Or love from a movie screen
But I tell you what I really want
Oh oh, oh oh gimme an ordinary love
That I touch
That I hold
Gimme an ordinary love
I don't live in the hills
And I probably never will
But that won't keep me up at night
Cause she's dancing like a fool
Across my living room
Whenever I'm with you
my heart is singing
Oh oh gimme an ordinary love
That I touch
That I hold
Gimme an ordinary love
Keep those fancy things
Keep your magazine
I don't even want what I'm chasing
because all I know isn't ordinary love is what we're made for
Oh oh, oh oh gimme an ordinary love
That I touch
That I hold
Gimme an ordinary love
Oh oh, oh oh gimme an ordinary love
That I touch
That I hold
Gimme an ordinary love
Gimme an ordinary love
Yeah gimme an ordinary love
Monday, November 24, 2014
Lowen (#10InfiniteWeeks)
Owen Spencer was born in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. His parents split when he was very young, but his home life was never affected by it. His mother and father remained friends, which allowed Owen to have an equally close relationship with both of them. He lived with his father and step-mother before attending Foster & Allan Academy in his seventh grade year. This is when Owen was introduced to the Ashby's for the first time.
It's a well known fact amongst Small Circles readers that this was the pivotable moment that forever connected Owen and Larson. Owen stands up for Larson against a group of guys on the lacrosse team. They had been teasing and taunting Larson for a long time, but when they finally get the balls to call him offensive names to his face, Owen steps in. It's this that seals the boys' friendship in Paxton's eyes. Owen is accepted into the group as an equal, and from then on out they are inseparable.
As Owen grows up, he's faced with the idea that he might be different than his friends. He knows that Larson obviously likes boys, and it's just as obvious that Paxton likes girls. But what makes Owen so different is that he doesn't quite know what he likes. He doesn't really like girls, but there aren't any boys he finds attractive either. Except for one. After Larson's birthday party, the two share a moment that forever changes how Owen views his openly gay best friend. One of Audrina's friends dares Owen to kiss Larson during a game of Truth or Dare. He does, but instead of just shrugging it off as mission accomplished, it lingers with him. He feels something. And so does Larson.
Over time, it's the need to explore this new territory that leads Owen to believe that he might possibly be falling for his best friend. But he doesn't publicly acknowledge it. Not by any means. He eventually decided to give in to his need to be with Larson, but only in private. He hides their relationship, which in turn puts a strain on it. Larson's love for the other boy grows so deep and so strong that he suggests coming out as a couple to their friends. Owen refuses. There's a part of him that still can't believe he's gay. To him, there's no proof, other than this one connection with Larson. He's never wanted any other boys. He's never felt "feminine". But over time, he realizes that's not what love is about.
After a long time apart, Larson is the one to convince Owen that love is not about labels. Slapping a definition on who he is isn't going to make either of them feel any better. I was completely moved by Owen and Larson's relationship. It was very important to me to shed light on a character like Owen in my books. Not everyone knows exactly who they are when growing up. Sometimes it's not about gender or sexuality. Sometimes it's just about the connection. And that's what happens with Owen. He falls in love with his best friend, because there's no one else. For Owen, Larson was it. And even though his life was cut short, it was full because he was loved back.
It's a well known fact amongst Small Circles readers that this was the pivotable moment that forever connected Owen and Larson. Owen stands up for Larson against a group of guys on the lacrosse team. They had been teasing and taunting Larson for a long time, but when they finally get the balls to call him offensive names to his face, Owen steps in. It's this that seals the boys' friendship in Paxton's eyes. Owen is accepted into the group as an equal, and from then on out they are inseparable.
As Owen grows up, he's faced with the idea that he might be different than his friends. He knows that Larson obviously likes boys, and it's just as obvious that Paxton likes girls. But what makes Owen so different is that he doesn't quite know what he likes. He doesn't really like girls, but there aren't any boys he finds attractive either. Except for one. After Larson's birthday party, the two share a moment that forever changes how Owen views his openly gay best friend. One of Audrina's friends dares Owen to kiss Larson during a game of Truth or Dare. He does, but instead of just shrugging it off as mission accomplished, it lingers with him. He feels something. And so does Larson.
Over time, it's the need to explore this new territory that leads Owen to believe that he might possibly be falling for his best friend. But he doesn't publicly acknowledge it. Not by any means. He eventually decided to give in to his need to be with Larson, but only in private. He hides their relationship, which in turn puts a strain on it. Larson's love for the other boy grows so deep and so strong that he suggests coming out as a couple to their friends. Owen refuses. There's a part of him that still can't believe he's gay. To him, there's no proof, other than this one connection with Larson. He's never wanted any other boys. He's never felt "feminine". But over time, he realizes that's not what love is about.
After a long time apart, Larson is the one to convince Owen that love is not about labels. Slapping a definition on who he is isn't going to make either of them feel any better. I was completely moved by Owen and Larson's relationship. It was very important to me to shed light on a character like Owen in my books. Not everyone knows exactly who they are when growing up. Sometimes it's not about gender or sexuality. Sometimes it's just about the connection. And that's what happens with Owen. He falls in love with his best friend, because there's no one else. For Owen, Larson was it. And even though his life was cut short, it was full because he was loved back.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Owen Spencer (#10InfiniteWeeks)
It's week 8 of the Infinite Limits blog tour! Again, I stress how crazy fast this whole thing has blown by. I was already stressing over everyone getting advanced copies, but soon the whole world will be able to read it. Man. No pressure.
This week was originally going to be hosted by Catheryn from The Book Lioness (Blogger & Youtube). Also known as DeathbyFandxms on Instagram. She was unable to take over this week, so I am hosting in her place! And, on Tuesday, Jaclyn from Living in a World of Book Quotes will be posting on her page as well!
Most of you know Owen Spencer. He's our favorite all-American boy next door that we've fallen in love with from Small Circles. If you've made it this far into the tour, there's no point in me hiding spoilers. We all know what happens. And as sad as it is to talk about, Owen's death is what really shapes the series. In Three Sixty and Infinite Limits, readers really get to experience the aftermath of this terrible tragedy. Even if you only chose to read Small Circles, you're left with a sense of hope that everything will eventually be okay. I did that on purpose, and in a very blunt way. Mostly, because Small Circles was supposed to be a stand alone novel. I've explained in previous posts why I chose to continue the story, but after I made that decision, I realized that it would be a great opportunity to explore how each other the characters are actually dealing with the fact that Owen's gone. Each of them faces their grief in different ways, but to me, it was interesting to watch it all unfold first hand.
Owen's character serves as a rock. He is the reality that slaps his friends in the face, keeping them humble and grounded. Whenever there's a problem, Owen is usually the one everyone turns to for advice and comfort. I think that's why it's so hard for them once he's gone. They don't know what to do. The one person they always confided in isn't there to help anymore. Especially with Larson. Not only did he lose a friend, but a soulmate.
Was that the case though?
Was Owen the one person Larson was meant to be with? Or was Owen meant to die, allowing Silas to be in Larson's life? Then again, could Larson have ended up with Silas no matter what the outcome? Maybe Owen was just the push Larson needed to open his heart and experience real love for the first time. Even I don't know what could have happened between them if the accident didn't stand in the way. It's something I've thought about a lot, but will never really know the answer to.
I do know this: every character in the series was touched by Owen at point or another. I think that's what makes him so special. When Paxton's father died, Owen was the one that drove two+ hours to make sure he was okay. He was the one that realized Audrina's feelings for Paxton in the beginning and told her to stay strong. He was the one that gave Jade a chance and showed her how to be beautiful, not just desirable. He was the one that captured Larson's heart. He was the one that moved us.
Tomorrow I'll be posting a little more about Owen's history and family life. Tuesday, you can find Jaclyn's post on her blog. I will not be posting on Thanksgiving, because I will be stuffing my face and taking a nap. As the rest of you should also be doing. I'll also have more pictures and some special video to share with you all for the rest of Owen's week.
It's okay to be happy!
P.S. Owen Spencer portrayed by Austin Blythe.
This week was originally going to be hosted by Catheryn from The Book Lioness (Blogger & Youtube). Also known as DeathbyFandxms on Instagram. She was unable to take over this week, so I am hosting in her place! And, on Tuesday, Jaclyn from Living in a World of Book Quotes will be posting on her page as well!
Most of you know Owen Spencer. He's our favorite all-American boy next door that we've fallen in love with from Small Circles. If you've made it this far into the tour, there's no point in me hiding spoilers. We all know what happens. And as sad as it is to talk about, Owen's death is what really shapes the series. In Three Sixty and Infinite Limits, readers really get to experience the aftermath of this terrible tragedy. Even if you only chose to read Small Circles, you're left with a sense of hope that everything will eventually be okay. I did that on purpose, and in a very blunt way. Mostly, because Small Circles was supposed to be a stand alone novel. I've explained in previous posts why I chose to continue the story, but after I made that decision, I realized that it would be a great opportunity to explore how each other the characters are actually dealing with the fact that Owen's gone. Each of them faces their grief in different ways, but to me, it was interesting to watch it all unfold first hand.
Owen's character serves as a rock. He is the reality that slaps his friends in the face, keeping them humble and grounded. Whenever there's a problem, Owen is usually the one everyone turns to for advice and comfort. I think that's why it's so hard for them once he's gone. They don't know what to do. The one person they always confided in isn't there to help anymore. Especially with Larson. Not only did he lose a friend, but a soulmate.
Was that the case though?
Was Owen the one person Larson was meant to be with? Or was Owen meant to die, allowing Silas to be in Larson's life? Then again, could Larson have ended up with Silas no matter what the outcome? Maybe Owen was just the push Larson needed to open his heart and experience real love for the first time. Even I don't know what could have happened between them if the accident didn't stand in the way. It's something I've thought about a lot, but will never really know the answer to.
Tomorrow I'll be posting a little more about Owen's history and family life. Tuesday, you can find Jaclyn's post on her blog. I will not be posting on Thanksgiving, because I will be stuffing my face and taking a nap. As the rest of you should also be doing. I'll also have more pictures and some special video to share with you all for the rest of Owen's week.
It's okay to be happy!
P.S. Owen Spencer portrayed by Austin Blythe.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Jade Walbridge (#10InfiniteWeeks)
We are now on week 7 of the Limits Limits blog tour! It's crazy how fast it's blown by! Before we know it, it'll be December 16th and Infinite Limits will be available for the world! Yay!
Until then, we still have four more characters to discuss. The four most important ones, in my opinion, because they are the ones that started it all. Jade, Owen, Paxton, and Larson. This week is dedicated to Jade Walbridge, and the lovely Jennifer from The Book Fighters is represented with full reviews of all the books, an interview, and lots more! But if you're interested in a little more, stick around to hear what I have to say on this blog. I did create the characters after all...
When I first started drafting ideas for a coming of age novel, I thought Jade was going to be my main character. I had already come up with her entire physical description, as well as her personality and hobbies. I knew who she was, but not what her story would be. Then, several months later, the idea for Small Circles struck me. Along with the character Larson Ashby. When I thought about Larson, I knew his two closest friends would be boys. However, he needed a girl in his life. Without meaning to, Larson sought Jade out on her first day of class. He recruited her, in all honesty, because he wanted someone like her on his side.
Jade Walbridge is originally from Boston. It's mentioned in the books that her freshman year of high school was not one for the record books. She makes some poor decisions and gets involved with the wrong type of boys, thinking their attention is what really matters. After naked pictures of Jade are leaked throughout the school, Jade takes her parents up on a previous offer to attend Foster and Allan Academy. Leaving for boarding school is the traditional way most teens in novels escape their problems. Or, in some cases, it's where their problems begin. Jade intended to start over. And she did. For the most part. But when she's first introduced to Paxton, she fears her reputation might precede her. He's the perfect bad boy that she loves. And the best part? He's screwed up. Jade is good at fixing other people's problems. So, when she realizes that Paxton's issues are deeper than angst and irritability, she jumps in.
Throughout Small Circles, Jade sees just how troubled Paxton is. She also sees that someone else is competing for his affection. From the get-go, Audrina views Jade as a threat. Jade doesn't quite understand why this blonde hates her so much, but she eventually recognizes it to be jealousy. The scuffles between the two girls doesn't hit it's peak until Three Sixty. This is when a direct threat is brought against Audrina's place in Paxton's life. ***SPOILER ALERT*** Jade's pregnancy does a number on everyone, not just Audrina. Even Larson is affected by the news, sensing the separation the aftermath causes. But what most readers aren't expecting is how much this affects Jade. She is the one that has to actually BE PREGNANT. In the beginning of Infinite Limits, we'll see exactly what's going through her mind, and telling Paxton is a huge start...
I've already discussed Jade's relationship with her brother, Carter. And we know about the dynamic between Jade and Larson. The only other person that's majorly important is Owen. Most of you might not think they were close, but if you recall, they dated. For like... a year. Or more. I don't remember. BUT, Jade was the first person Owen came out to, besides Larson. She saw the loves between the boys with her own eyes, and that moment was a critical point in their friendship. Even after, Jade feels a special connection to Owen. That's why when Larson introduces Silas to everyone in Three Sixty, Jade is the one to take it the worst. She almost feels protective over Owen, even after he's gone. And it's because he confided in her at such a vulnerable time in his life.
I haven't posted on my blog about Silas McFuller, but that's because Lainey from The Belle Beauty Blog did such a fabulous job during her week of the tour, and I didn't feel the need to add anything. Not that everyone else's posts were terrible. I've just been feeling chatty. If there's anything specific you guys want to know about ANY of the characters, never shy away from messaging or commenting your questions!
I hope everyone is having a lovely week! And don't forget, you can pre-order Infinite Limits on Kindle now! Paperbacks will be available December 16th!
It's okay to be happy!
P.S. Jade Walbridge was portrayed by Priya Pappu.
Until then, we still have four more characters to discuss. The four most important ones, in my opinion, because they are the ones that started it all. Jade, Owen, Paxton, and Larson. This week is dedicated to Jade Walbridge, and the lovely Jennifer from The Book Fighters is represented with full reviews of all the books, an interview, and lots more! But if you're interested in a little more, stick around to hear what I have to say on this blog. I did create the characters after all...
When I first started drafting ideas for a coming of age novel, I thought Jade was going to be my main character. I had already come up with her entire physical description, as well as her personality and hobbies. I knew who she was, but not what her story would be. Then, several months later, the idea for Small Circles struck me. Along with the character Larson Ashby. When I thought about Larson, I knew his two closest friends would be boys. However, he needed a girl in his life. Without meaning to, Larson sought Jade out on her first day of class. He recruited her, in all honesty, because he wanted someone like her on his side.
Jade Walbridge is originally from Boston. It's mentioned in the books that her freshman year of high school was not one for the record books. She makes some poor decisions and gets involved with the wrong type of boys, thinking their attention is what really matters. After naked pictures of Jade are leaked throughout the school, Jade takes her parents up on a previous offer to attend Foster and Allan Academy. Leaving for boarding school is the traditional way most teens in novels escape their problems. Or, in some cases, it's where their problems begin. Jade intended to start over. And she did. For the most part. But when she's first introduced to Paxton, she fears her reputation might precede her. He's the perfect bad boy that she loves. And the best part? He's screwed up. Jade is good at fixing other people's problems. So, when she realizes that Paxton's issues are deeper than angst and irritability, she jumps in.
Throughout Small Circles, Jade sees just how troubled Paxton is. She also sees that someone else is competing for his affection. From the get-go, Audrina views Jade as a threat. Jade doesn't quite understand why this blonde hates her so much, but she eventually recognizes it to be jealousy. The scuffles between the two girls doesn't hit it's peak until Three Sixty. This is when a direct threat is brought against Audrina's place in Paxton's life. ***SPOILER ALERT*** Jade's pregnancy does a number on everyone, not just Audrina. Even Larson is affected by the news, sensing the separation the aftermath causes. But what most readers aren't expecting is how much this affects Jade. She is the one that has to actually BE PREGNANT. In the beginning of Infinite Limits, we'll see exactly what's going through her mind, and telling Paxton is a huge start...
I've already discussed Jade's relationship with her brother, Carter. And we know about the dynamic between Jade and Larson. The only other person that's majorly important is Owen. Most of you might not think they were close, but if you recall, they dated. For like... a year. Or more. I don't remember. BUT, Jade was the first person Owen came out to, besides Larson. She saw the loves between the boys with her own eyes, and that moment was a critical point in their friendship. Even after, Jade feels a special connection to Owen. That's why when Larson introduces Silas to everyone in Three Sixty, Jade is the one to take it the worst. She almost feels protective over Owen, even after he's gone. And it's because he confided in her at such a vulnerable time in his life.
I haven't posted on my blog about Silas McFuller, but that's because Lainey from The Belle Beauty Blog did such a fabulous job during her week of the tour, and I didn't feel the need to add anything. Not that everyone else's posts were terrible. I've just been feeling chatty. If there's anything specific you guys want to know about ANY of the characters, never shy away from messaging or commenting your questions!
I hope everyone is having a lovely week! And don't forget, you can pre-order Infinite Limits on Kindle now! Paperbacks will be available December 16th!
It's okay to be happy!
P.S. Jade Walbridge was portrayed by Priya Pappu.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Tucker Watson (#10InfiniteWeeks)
For those that don't know Tucker, here's a little bit about the bad boy we love.
Tucker Watson's character was created in Ninety Degrees - the precursor story to Small Circles. I needed someone to act as the other side of the seesaw, if you will, for Charleigh's balance issues. Her struggle to find love with Logan was something she couldn't fully understand without having a good comparison. Insert Tucker.
Tucker is a country boy at heart. He lives on a farm, has a thick southern accent, and brings moonshine to parties. I know what you're thinking. "They're from Tennessee, Megan. They all have southern accents." No. You are mistaken. Even within the bible belt, there are different levels of the southern drawl. For instance, in east and west Tennessee, the accent is less of a slur and more of a slight twang. Does that make sense? It's like Duck Dynasty versus the show Nashville. The deeper into the roots of the south you go, the lazier the sentences are. Half of that shit needs subtitles, even in real life.
I always imagined Tucker to be filled with traditional charm. The old school stuff like opening doors for girls and saying "yes mam" to their moms. Along with those traits, he has a certain confidence that comes off as sexy and enticing. This is what draws Charleigh to him. He's definitely annoying, when it comes to her need to be independent and his need to make sure she's not, but he's the perfect tool to use in her game. Charleigh's main goal is to find out whether or not love and sex can be separate. It's Tucker that helps her see the flip side of that coin.
I know I was the one that wrote it, but it still made me sad that Tucker didn't get the girl. Coming from Charleigh's POV, she made the right decision. But as for Tucker, I felt really sorry for him. He's actually a really good guy, and his decision to step away in the end brought so many feels to my fingers. When Charleigh visits Tucker at the farm for the last time, and he confesses that he actually fell for her, my poor little author heart was weeping. But good news for all of you that haven't read Infinite Limits yet: TUCKER WILL FIND LOVE! Who, you ask? That's for you to find out...
Now, on to Tucker's disreputable history. At the beginning of Ninety Degrees, the reader learns that Tucker is a transfer student from Foster and Allan Academy. He starts his senior year at Chattanooga Prep, and most of the other students are concerned due to his rumored anger management skills. Throughout the story, we learn that the gossip surrounding his origin isn't necessarily true. It's this that allows Charleigh to trust him, and their relationship blossoms from partners to friends. Then, of course, more than friends. And after a little bit of drama is thrown into the pot... back to friends. There's a quote from Silas towards the end of the novel that goes something along the lines of, "If there was a temperature at which drama boiled, they were all sitting in hot water." After all of the stories intertwine, most of you will find this to be both extremely true and funny. I, for one, LOLed at that one while writing.
Then there's the little brother. Maddox is a special character. He was originally created for the sheer purpose of shedding light on a terrible disease. I met a girl named Jaclynn a year ago, and she suffers from EDS: Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. When she told me her story, I was moved but also shocked at the lack of recognition it has. She has done a lot on her own to raise awareness with several musical artists and public figures. She creates jewelry that she sells and gives away. Even people like Ed Sheeran have worn the bracelets to help show support. I wanted to help contribute to the cause by writing about it in my books. So, I created Maddox's character. The idea behind why Tucker stole Logan's pills came much later, but I was happy at how it all made sense.
There are several other things I'd like to talk about when it comes to Tucker Watson, but I don't want to spoil anything from Infinite Limits. So, how about this? Go grab your copy on December 16th, go read it, then come back and we can discuss anything and everything! Sound okay? Okay. (See what I did there? #TFIOS)
I'll be back to post tomorrow on Silas McFuller!
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Love and Sex (#10InfiniteWeeks)
It's week 4 of 10 Infinite Weeks, so if you're still keeping up, be sure to head over to The Bookworm Corner for updates! HOWEVER, I'm still going to share my own opinion about this week's character...
Charleigh McAfee is definitely a favorite character of mine. I loved creating her, simply because I didn't have anyone with her type of spunk in my books so far. Ninety Degrees was my way of doing something new. Not only is the vibe much different from Small Circles, but I introduced all new characters. Silas, Charleigh, Logan, and Tucker all attend Chattanooga Prep - the rival school to Foster and Allan Academy. Charleigh stands tall as Silas' best friend, and readers can tell from the very beginning that she's someone we all want on our side.
Charleigh has a passion for the arts. She paints and sketches on every surface available to her, including her shoes. She colors her hair with bright colors and wears eccentric jewelry to create a pop of uniqueness within her mandatory school uniform. She has a very blunt view of the world around her, concluding that what's in front of her is all she gets. I needed a character that was not necessarily a pessimist but a realist. Charleigh doesn't swoon over love and relationships like every other girl her age. She doesn't obsess about her clothes and what other people think of her, but at the same time she still has hidden insecurities. She doesn't think she's beautiful. And secretly, she wishes she was skinny. She notices how boys look at other girls and recognizes that she will never be looked at in the same way. But it doesn't upset her. She's accepted it, and she chooses to focus on other things to make her happy.
That is until she involves herself in a triangle between Logan and Tucker.
Logan Brown is her other sidekick. Along with Silas, Logan and Charleigh have been close for years. They're friends. That's it. But despite this, Logan and Charleigh have started hooking up for a bit of benefits on the side. There's no real spark behind it in the beginning. It's just random and fun. But then they take things further than ever. They have sex, and Charleigh doesn't tell Logan that it's her first time. She's never wanted to be with someone like that before, but after this, Charleigh feels an inseparable connection to him. She finds herself actually wanting a boyfriend. But Logan isn't ready for that. And honestly, neither is Charleigh.
She decides to test the waters with another boy, Tucker Watson. She experiments with the ability of two people being able to have a sexual connection and not feel love. The further she goes with Tucker, the more she understands it. Sex is just a feeling. It's physical, and the thing that's drawing her to Logan is something much more powerful. It's love.
Charleigh brings this to light, and eventually comes to terms with what she really wants. If you've read Ninety Degrees, then you know how it ends. I was very happy when writing those scenes. It just felt so natural and so easy because it was meant to be that way.
In other news, today is the release day for IN THE AFTERLIGHT - the final book in Alexandra Bracken's series THE DARKEST MINDS! I'm planning to drop by Barnes and Noble later this afternoon to pick up my copy! Happy reading to everyone that will be joining me!
Another book birthday goes to Michelle Madow for her sequel to The Secret Diamond Sisters, Diamonds In the Rough! Congrats to my fellow YA Mania author!
P.S. Charleigh McAfee has been portrayed by the beautiful Catheryn from The Book Lioness!
Charleigh McAfee is definitely a favorite character of mine. I loved creating her, simply because I didn't have anyone with her type of spunk in my books so far. Ninety Degrees was my way of doing something new. Not only is the vibe much different from Small Circles, but I introduced all new characters. Silas, Charleigh, Logan, and Tucker all attend Chattanooga Prep - the rival school to Foster and Allan Academy. Charleigh stands tall as Silas' best friend, and readers can tell from the very beginning that she's someone we all want on our side.
Charleigh has a passion for the arts. She paints and sketches on every surface available to her, including her shoes. She colors her hair with bright colors and wears eccentric jewelry to create a pop of uniqueness within her mandatory school uniform. She has a very blunt view of the world around her, concluding that what's in front of her is all she gets. I needed a character that was not necessarily a pessimist but a realist. Charleigh doesn't swoon over love and relationships like every other girl her age. She doesn't obsess about her clothes and what other people think of her, but at the same time she still has hidden insecurities. She doesn't think she's beautiful. And secretly, she wishes she was skinny. She notices how boys look at other girls and recognizes that she will never be looked at in the same way. But it doesn't upset her. She's accepted it, and she chooses to focus on other things to make her happy.
That is until she involves herself in a triangle between Logan and Tucker.
Logan Brown is her other sidekick. Along with Silas, Logan and Charleigh have been close for years. They're friends. That's it. But despite this, Logan and Charleigh have started hooking up for a bit of benefits on the side. There's no real spark behind it in the beginning. It's just random and fun. But then they take things further than ever. They have sex, and Charleigh doesn't tell Logan that it's her first time. She's never wanted to be with someone like that before, but after this, Charleigh feels an inseparable connection to him. She finds herself actually wanting a boyfriend. But Logan isn't ready for that. And honestly, neither is Charleigh.
She decides to test the waters with another boy, Tucker Watson. She experiments with the ability of two people being able to have a sexual connection and not feel love. The further she goes with Tucker, the more she understands it. Sex is just a feeling. It's physical, and the thing that's drawing her to Logan is something much more powerful. It's love.
Charleigh brings this to light, and eventually comes to terms with what she really wants. If you've read Ninety Degrees, then you know how it ends. I was very happy when writing those scenes. It just felt so natural and so easy because it was meant to be that way.
In other news, today is the release day for IN THE AFTERLIGHT - the final book in Alexandra Bracken's series THE DARKEST MINDS! I'm planning to drop by Barnes and Noble later this afternoon to pick up my copy! Happy reading to everyone that will be joining me!
Another book birthday goes to Michelle Madow for her sequel to The Secret Diamond Sisters, Diamonds In the Rough! Congrats to my fellow YA Mania author!
P.S. Charleigh McAfee has been portrayed by the beautiful Catheryn from The Book Lioness!
Monday, October 27, 2014
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Week 4 (#10InfiniteWeeks)
Week 4 has begun!
If you're wondering where to go next, follow the schedule for the remaining 7 weeks! Today starts Charleigh McAfee's week, and Lauren from The Bookworm Corner will be the one to look to!
Lauren's Blog:
Saturday, October 25, 2014
The Casting Wishlist (#10InfiniteWeeks)
Today is the last day I'll be hosting the 10 Infinite Weeks tour on this blog...
Sad faces all around, I know.
That does NOT mean I won't be posting at all. Every so often, I'll still be throwing in my two cents about the character being recognized each week. After all, I did create them.
As for today, I'm not going to talk about Carter exclusively. There isn't that much more to say about him, so I'm going to use this final platform to fangirl with you all over my top picks for fan-casting ALL of my characters. I posted a list a while back, but it wasn't complete. To this day I'm still a bit iffy on certain choices, but I'm going to share them all regardless. Please feel free to share your own spare change on the issue.
First is LARSON ASHBY. Originally, I was dead set on Callan McAuliffe, but recently I was captivated by not only the look but the acting skill of one Mr. Dane Dehaan. Man! That kid is good! Of course I loved him in The Amazing Spiderman 2, but it was Kill Your Darlings with costar Daniel Radcliffe that really hooked me. If you haven't seen this film, it's definitely a must.
PAXTON GRAHAM was a complete mystery to me until Jaclyn from Living in a World of Book Quotes posted an edit on her Instagram featuring Tom Sturridge! Holy bajesus, this boy is my everything when it comes to Paxton! He may be a bit too old to play a high schooler, but let's be real. They cast 30 year olds to play 16 year olds all the time. Shall we talk about Theo James as Four? No? Okay.
OWEN SPENCER was not hard for me to picture in my mind. From the beginning, I'd imagined Logan Lerman while writing. There's really not much for me to say, because even if you don't agree with my choice, I respectively decline your opinion. Sorry. Logan is bae.
JADE WALBRIDGE was also not a hard choice. I'd thought about Shay Mitchell as a good match for looks, but I wasn't sure about personality. The only thing I've ever seen Shay in is Pretty Little Liars, so I don't have much to judge her on. I have no doubt she'd do well, but if you all know of any other actresses that fit the physical criteria, let me know!
There were two choices for CHARLEIGH MCAFEE. I like both Chloe Moretz and Abigail Breslin for looks, but I have to lean more towards Chloe because she is amazeballs. I can't even express how much I love her.
SILAS MCFULLER is a toughie, but Jaclyn came to my rescue again, steering me towards Joe Dinicol. I've never seen any of his movies before, but just by looks I'm 90% sold. I'd previously considered Ben Levin from As the World Turns, but thought better of it.
LOGAN BROWN could possibly go many different ways. He's a very normal looking boy. Brown hair. Blue eyes. Medium build. Pretty much 50 million dudes look like this in the U.S. alone. But I have to say, I've come to love Dylan O'Brien. You're all going to hate me, but the first time I saw Dylan on screen was when I saw The Maze Runner in theaters. Yeah... I've never watched Teen Wolf. But before you start throwing popcorn, note this: I rarely watch TV at all. I typically watch Netflix and binge on whatever show I desire. The only show I keep up with regularly is Bates Motel, which isn't even on right now. For the longest time Teen Wolf was on Netflix, and I wanted to watch it but never got around to it. Then, when I finally thought about it, they took it away. So, don't blame me, people!
TUCKER WATSON was, and still is, probably the hardest character to imagine in my head. I think it's because I based a lot of his traits on Trent - my future significant other - and picturing him with Charleigh didn't add up in my mind. Instead, while I was writing, I kept him as a figment with blond hair and freckles more than an actual boy. If I were to get specific, I'd say the actor I've considered the most would be Lucas Till. If you've seen the Hannah Montana movie, then you can imagine him as being the perfect farm boy Tucker represents.
AUDRINA ASHBY is definitely Nicola Peltz in my head. Now more so than when I was writing it. While writing Three Sixty, I actually imagined her being similar to my friend Morgan LaFave, which is why I use her for photos! But on the celebrity casting side of things, Nicola is incredible. Most of you might recognize her from Transformers: Age of Extinction. If you know me well, however, you probably have guessed that I snatched this lady up from Bates Motel. It's definitely one of my favorite shows on television right now, and I'm eagerly waiting for season 3!
CARTER ASHBY is Taylor Lautner. K bye.
Alright people of the internet. Thanks for following me on the first 3 weeks of this tour! I hope you learned something. If not, I hope you were at least a little entertained!
Starting tomorrow, Lauren from The Bookworm Corner is going to be hosting, and her character is Charleigh McAfee from Ninety Degrees!
Sad faces all around, I know.
That does NOT mean I won't be posting at all. Every so often, I'll still be throwing in my two cents about the character being recognized each week. After all, I did create them.
As for today, I'm not going to talk about Carter exclusively. There isn't that much more to say about him, so I'm going to use this final platform to fangirl with you all over my top picks for fan-casting ALL of my characters. I posted a list a while back, but it wasn't complete. To this day I'm still a bit iffy on certain choices, but I'm going to share them all regardless. Please feel free to share your own spare change on the issue.
First is LARSON ASHBY. Originally, I was dead set on Callan McAuliffe, but recently I was captivated by not only the look but the acting skill of one Mr. Dane Dehaan. Man! That kid is good! Of course I loved him in The Amazing Spiderman 2, but it was Kill Your Darlings with costar Daniel Radcliffe that really hooked me. If you haven't seen this film, it's definitely a must.
PAXTON GRAHAM was a complete mystery to me until Jaclyn from Living in a World of Book Quotes posted an edit on her Instagram featuring Tom Sturridge! Holy bajesus, this boy is my everything when it comes to Paxton! He may be a bit too old to play a high schooler, but let's be real. They cast 30 year olds to play 16 year olds all the time. Shall we talk about Theo James as Four? No? Okay.
OWEN SPENCER was not hard for me to picture in my mind. From the beginning, I'd imagined Logan Lerman while writing. There's really not much for me to say, because even if you don't agree with my choice, I respectively decline your opinion. Sorry. Logan is bae.
JADE WALBRIDGE was also not a hard choice. I'd thought about Shay Mitchell as a good match for looks, but I wasn't sure about personality. The only thing I've ever seen Shay in is Pretty Little Liars, so I don't have much to judge her on. I have no doubt she'd do well, but if you all know of any other actresses that fit the physical criteria, let me know!
There were two choices for CHARLEIGH MCAFEE. I like both Chloe Moretz and Abigail Breslin for looks, but I have to lean more towards Chloe because she is amazeballs. I can't even express how much I love her.
SILAS MCFULLER is a toughie, but Jaclyn came to my rescue again, steering me towards Joe Dinicol. I've never seen any of his movies before, but just by looks I'm 90% sold. I'd previously considered Ben Levin from As the World Turns, but thought better of it.
LOGAN BROWN could possibly go many different ways. He's a very normal looking boy. Brown hair. Blue eyes. Medium build. Pretty much 50 million dudes look like this in the U.S. alone. But I have to say, I've come to love Dylan O'Brien. You're all going to hate me, but the first time I saw Dylan on screen was when I saw The Maze Runner in theaters. Yeah... I've never watched Teen Wolf. But before you start throwing popcorn, note this: I rarely watch TV at all. I typically watch Netflix and binge on whatever show I desire. The only show I keep up with regularly is Bates Motel, which isn't even on right now. For the longest time Teen Wolf was on Netflix, and I wanted to watch it but never got around to it. Then, when I finally thought about it, they took it away. So, don't blame me, people!
TUCKER WATSON was, and still is, probably the hardest character to imagine in my head. I think it's because I based a lot of his traits on Trent - my future significant other - and picturing him with Charleigh didn't add up in my mind. Instead, while I was writing, I kept him as a figment with blond hair and freckles more than an actual boy. If I were to get specific, I'd say the actor I've considered the most would be Lucas Till. If you've seen the Hannah Montana movie, then you can imagine him as being the perfect farm boy Tucker represents.
AUDRINA ASHBY is definitely Nicola Peltz in my head. Now more so than when I was writing it. While writing Three Sixty, I actually imagined her being similar to my friend Morgan LaFave, which is why I use her for photos! But on the celebrity casting side of things, Nicola is incredible. Most of you might recognize her from Transformers: Age of Extinction. If you know me well, however, you probably have guessed that I snatched this lady up from Bates Motel. It's definitely one of my favorite shows on television right now, and I'm eagerly waiting for season 3!
CARTER ASHBY is Taylor Lautner. K bye.
Starting tomorrow, Lauren from The Bookworm Corner is going to be hosting, and her character is Charleigh McAfee from Ninety Degrees!
Friday, October 24, 2014
Carter's iPod (#10InfiniteWeeks)
I've had a back story in mind for Carter for a while now - one that goes even deeper than the one mentioned in Three Sixty. Besides the topics already discussed this week, I knew there was something hidden deep in Carter's mind. Or more like his heart. There had to be a special girl. A heartbreak even. My plan was to dive into that history in a short bonus story at the end of Infinite Limits. There were three stories planned, actually, but they didn't make it to the printing process. So, instead, I'm going to be releasing them as a novella collection! Dates are not set for this, so they're basically just going to come out when I feel that they're ready.
The reason why I'm telling you this is because I not only want to stir up your feels, but I also need to set up the following playlist for Carter's character. There are certain songs that might not make sense, based on what you've read so far. So just have faith that eventually it will make sense. For the time being, just imagine what you want. You might be able to figure it out on your own!
1) Letters from the Sky by Civil Twilight
2) Kids by Mikky Ekko
The reason why I'm telling you this is because I not only want to stir up your feels, but I also need to set up the following playlist for Carter's character. There are certain songs that might not make sense, based on what you've read so far. So just have faith that eventually it will make sense. For the time being, just imagine what you want. You might be able to figure it out on your own!
1) Letters from the Sky by Civil Twilight
One of these days the sky's gonna break
And everything will escape and I'll know
One of these days the mountains
Are gonna fall into the sea and they'll know
That you and I were made for this
I was made to taste your kiss
We were made to never fall away
Never fall away
One of these days letters are gonna fall
From the sky telling us all to go free
But until that day I'll find a way
To let everybody know that you're coming back
You're coming back for me
'Cause even though you left me here
I have nothing left to fear
These are only walls that hold me here
Hold me here, hold me here, hold me here
Only walls that hold me here
One day soon I'll hold you like the sun holds the moon
And we will hear those planes overhead
And we won't have to be scared
'Cause we won't have to be scared
We won't have to be, yeah, scared, no
You're coming back for me
You're coming back for me
You're coming back to me
You're coming back for me
2) Kids by Mikky Ekko
Oh, I'm going to let the future in, the future in-
Take it on; make it on my own.
Oh, into the fire we go again, we go again-
Shake it off before we get too old.
Sweet harmony, send us out with nowhere to go
Sweet harmony, secret's out but what do I know
Kids Kids
Kids are gonna do what they want
Kids Kids
Kids are gonna do what they want
Bottling sun in an hourglass
Upside down but don't look back
Over and over
Taking on the wind cause we never learn
Start a fire just to watch it burn
Over and over
Kids Kids
Kids are gonna do what they want
Kids Kids
Kids are gonna do what they want
Sweet harmony kids are gonna do what they want
Sweet harmony kids are gonna do what they want
We know the words but it's not enough, not enough
'Cause no one heard.
Remember we're just kids.
We have the fire now.
As the last light's burning out
Kids are going to do what they want
We have the fire now
As the last light's burning out
Kids are gonna to do what they want
Kids Kids
Kids are gonna do what they want
Kids Kids
Kids are gonna do what they want
Take it on; make it on my own.
Oh, into the fire we go again, we go again-
Shake it off before we get too old.
Sweet harmony, send us out with nowhere to go
Sweet harmony, secret's out but what do I know
Kids Kids
Kids are gonna do what they want
Kids Kids
Kids are gonna do what they want
Bottling sun in an hourglass
Upside down but don't look back
Over and over
Taking on the wind cause we never learn
Start a fire just to watch it burn
Over and over
Kids Kids
Kids are gonna do what they want
Kids Kids
Kids are gonna do what they want
Sweet harmony kids are gonna do what they want
Sweet harmony kids are gonna do what they want
We know the words but it's not enough, not enough
'Cause no one heard.
Remember we're just kids.
We have the fire now.
As the last light's burning out
Kids are going to do what they want
We have the fire now
As the last light's burning out
Kids are gonna to do what they want
Kids Kids
Kids are gonna do what they want
Kids Kids
Kids are gonna do what they want
3) Sex by The 1975
All we seem to do is talk about sex
She's got a boyfriend anyway
She's got a boyfriend anyway
He's got a funny face
But I like that 'cause he still looks cool
She's got a boyfriend anyway
She's got a boyfriend anyway
And I'm about to fill his shoes
But you say no
You say no
Does he take care of you
Or could I easily fill his shoes?
But you say no
You say no
And you're making your way down
She's got a boyfriend anyway
She's got a boyfriend anyway
If we're gonna do anything we might as well just fuck
She's got a boyfriend anyway
She's got a boyfriend anyway
You're in your high tops any day
You're in your skinny jeans anyway
You and your fit friends anyway
I'd take them all out any day
They've all got back-homes anyway
You've all got boyfriends anyway
You're in your skinny jeans anyway
You and your fit friends anyway
I'd take them all out any day
They've all got back-homes anyway
You've all got boyfriends anyway
Read more: The 1975 - Sex Lyrics | MetroLyrics
And this is how it starts
You take your shoes off in the back of my vanYeah my shirt looks so good, when it's just hanging off your backAnd she said 'Use your hands and my spare timeWe've got one thing in common, it's this tongue of mine'She saidShe's got a boyfriend anywayAll we seem to do is talk about sex
She's got a boyfriend anyway
She's got a boyfriend anyway
He's got a funny face
But I like that 'cause he still looks cool
She's got a boyfriend anyway
She's got a boyfriend anyway
And I'm about to fill his shoes
But you say no
You say no
Does he take care of you
Or could I easily fill his shoes?
But you say no
You say no
And you're making your way down
She's got a boyfriend anyway
She's got a boyfriend anyway
If we're gonna do anything we might as well just fuck
She's got a boyfriend anyway
She's got a boyfriend anyway
You're in your high tops any day
You're in your skinny jeans anyway
You and your fit friends anyway
I'd take them all out any day
They've all got back-homes anyway
You've all got boyfriends anyway
There's only minutes before I drop you off
I loved your friend when I saw his film
Now we're on the bed in my room
And now we're just outside of town
And I'm not trying to stop you love
You've got your tongue pierced anyway
You're in your high tops any dayYou're in your skinny jeans anyway
You and your fit friends anyway
I'd take them all out any day
They've all got back-homes anyway
You've all got boyfriends anyway
Read more: The 1975 - Sex Lyrics | MetroLyrics
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Creatures of the Night: Book Tag
I was tagged by Living in a World of Book Quotes! I saw Kat and Christine's videos for this tag on their channels, so I wanted to do this on my channel as well. But currently, I am away from my books. Terrible, I know. I'm in Virginia visiting my cousin, because he will be graduating from college on Saturday! I'm also doing a few Small Circles related things while I'm here, so I'll be out of Tennessee for one week.
Also, if you didn't know, Blue Lily, Lily Blue came out on Tuesday! I ordered my copy through Fountain Bookstore here in Richmond, and it came signed with swag! But it's sitting at home on my desk in Nashville. Not here. So, not only am I away from all my books, I'm away from THIS SPECIFIC BOOK. Which is depressing.
Nonetheless, let's get on to the tag!
1. Vampire
2. Werewolf
3. Zombie
4. Ghost
5. Witch/Warlock/Spell-caster
6. Fairy
7. Demon
8. Angel
9. Alien
10. Super-powered Human
The first series that comes to mind is automatically Twilight by Stephenie Meyer.Mostly because I haven't read anything else involving vampires. I probably should. Maybe I'll get on that later...I have to be honest here. I really, really enjoyed these books when they first came out. The first two, Twilight and New Moon, especially. But by the time books three and four were released, I'd lost interest. I can't really judge. I saw the first movie in theaters seven times. Yes. SEVEN. It was the first thing since Harry Potter I could really get excited about, so I guess that's why. If I didn't say Twilight, though, I'd have to say The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare. That series have everything, including vampires. My favorite being Simon Lewis!
We'll just go ahead and acknowledge, right here and now, that I love Maggie Steifvater. Anything and everything she does. So, I feel like I have to say Shiver by default. But then again, this is another case where I haven't read anything else about werewolves, so I don't really have a choice. But wait! The Mortal Instruments also has werewolves! Okay! Go Luke!
I've never read a zombie book.Yep. But I did see the movie for Warm Bodies.
Hmmm. Do I really have to think about this? "You're a wizard, Harry."HARRY POTTER is my number one favorite series of all time! It was my first love when it comes to reading. There will never be another wizard I love more than Harry James Potter! But other than that, Magnus Bane from The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices! He definitely earns warlock of the year.
The Mortal Instruments? Yeah, The Mortal Instruments.
I know what you're thinking. It has to be The Mortal Instruments. Surprisingly, no. My top series with these creatures of the night is Daughter of Smoke and Bone. Laini Taylor is life. "Karou: it meant hope in the language of the enemy."If you haven't read these books, I will warn you that they are high fantasy. Well, I guess mid-fantasy. A good chunk of the book is based in Prague, but once you find out about the crazy amount of other worlds in existence, it's pretty intense.You have to commit! But once you do, I promise it's worth it! The creatures aren't technically called demons. They are chimera, which is half creatures half human. But they're pretty much the representation of demons in all that matters.
I'm going to go for an unexpected choice with this one. One of my favorite series involving angels is Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick. This is another book that has mixed reviews, but I couldn't help but love it! It kept me interested until the very end. Even when things got cheesy and weird, I couldn't help but soak it all up! And Patch...
My favorite alien book is not actually about aliens. It's more sci-fi with a touch of alien life. My choice is These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and Meghan Spooner.The aliens mentioned in this books are not the typical type we are used to. They're more like spirits than physical beings. But the book is so so so so good!
Super-powered Human
I have no contest with this one. The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken.These humans have different levels of mind control that are categorized by color.Read it. That's all I have to say.
I tag, The Book Lioness, The Belle Beauty Blog, and The Bookworm Corner!
I tag, The Book Lioness, The Belle Beauty Blog, and The Bookworm Corner!
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Why you gotta be so mean? (#10InfiniteWeeks)
I didn't plan to make Carter Walbridge an important character in my books. Originally, I'd only mentioned that Jade had a younger brother - not in much detail. But when I started drafting for Three Sixty, I knew I couldn't pass up using him. He was the perfect younger sibling contrast to Audrina. Also, hooking them up was more or less a guilty pleasure for me. It was too juicy for me to resist. Because of this, once I decided to use Carter in a big way, I knew I needed to come up with a bigger back story. I needed to know more about him. So, I started brainstorming.
I already discussed Carter's school background. He attends public school in Boston and is one year behind Jade. I imagined Jade's freshman year acting like a snowball. It grew throughout the year, building on the rumors due to her pictures being sent around the school. By the time she decided to leave, and it was time for Carter to start his freshman year, the drama that surrounded Jade had grown so much that it trickled down to Carter. Everyone knew who he was - Walbridge is a name that no one is ignorant to - so it was likely that most kids would either make fun of him for being connected to her, or they would worship him and try to get close through proxy. It turned out to be a little of both. Carter decided to squash the nonsense right away. From the get-go, he made it clear that being connected to Jade did not give others free passes into her pants. His friends had to learn this, and eventually accepted it. In a way, he was actually protecting Jade. As the reader will find out in Infinite Limits, Carter's capability to show compassion is a constant surprise. Even to Jade.
We already know that Carter eventually becomes king of the school. He rules his high school kingdom, getting the girls and the grades he doesn't deserve. We also know about his decision to escape to Tennessee and his lapse in judgement with Audrina Ashby. So, what is it that we don't know?
In Three Sixty, I acknowledge that Carter does have friends. His best friend is Thomas, and just like Carter, he is a dick. There is a specific point at which this occurs, and it's partially Thomas' fault. When Carter was younger, he had another friend that he spent all of this time with. They got along great and shared lots in common. Except for money. When Thomas comes along and introduces himself, he's very certain to note this to Carter. He explains that his money is the same as Carter's money. Basically, their families are on the same level. Carter's other friend is not on this level. Somehow, even at such a young age, the boys are able to separate themselves based on wealth and social status. Thomas has the bigger TV. He has all the newest video games and signed sports memorabilia. This is apparently worth a friendship to Carter, so it takes Thomas up on his extended hand. Over the years, they actually do become close. And I can confidently say that you will meet Thomas in Infinite Limits...
Alright. So other than the douche-baggy friends and the technical jealousy of Jade, Carter really doesn't have an excuse to act the way he does. Maybe he's just mean for the sake of being mean.
No. I wholeheartedly disagree.
Carter is an asshole. But it's not because he's mean. It's because he's HONEST.
I was so relieved to have a character speak their mind at the drop of a hat. Larson was definitely not shy about his opinions, but he still had a conscious. Carter does not. He doesn't care if he hurts someone's feelings. All he can comprehend is that he's stating a fact. He's pointing out the ugly truth for what it is. That's why I was actually entertained by his comments at the end of Three Sixty. When he calls out Audrina and her friends, saying they're like an after school special, I actually laughed out loud. Because it's true. These people have more drama in their lives than an episode of Gossip Girl. And even though it's tough stuff - even though these things really do happen - at some point we have to be able to step back and be amused. We all have to acknowledge the ridiculous sometimes, and that's what Carter Walbridge is there for.
Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to post some songs and random facts for you all! Thanks again!
Remember: it's ok to be happy!
I already discussed Carter's school background. He attends public school in Boston and is one year behind Jade. I imagined Jade's freshman year acting like a snowball. It grew throughout the year, building on the rumors due to her pictures being sent around the school. By the time she decided to leave, and it was time for Carter to start his freshman year, the drama that surrounded Jade had grown so much that it trickled down to Carter. Everyone knew who he was - Walbridge is a name that no one is ignorant to - so it was likely that most kids would either make fun of him for being connected to her, or they would worship him and try to get close through proxy. It turned out to be a little of both. Carter decided to squash the nonsense right away. From the get-go, he made it clear that being connected to Jade did not give others free passes into her pants. His friends had to learn this, and eventually accepted it. In a way, he was actually protecting Jade. As the reader will find out in Infinite Limits, Carter's capability to show compassion is a constant surprise. Even to Jade.
We already know that Carter eventually becomes king of the school. He rules his high school kingdom, getting the girls and the grades he doesn't deserve. We also know about his decision to escape to Tennessee and his lapse in judgement with Audrina Ashby. So, what is it that we don't know?
In Three Sixty, I acknowledge that Carter does have friends. His best friend is Thomas, and just like Carter, he is a dick. There is a specific point at which this occurs, and it's partially Thomas' fault. When Carter was younger, he had another friend that he spent all of this time with. They got along great and shared lots in common. Except for money. When Thomas comes along and introduces himself, he's very certain to note this to Carter. He explains that his money is the same as Carter's money. Basically, their families are on the same level. Carter's other friend is not on this level. Somehow, even at such a young age, the boys are able to separate themselves based on wealth and social status. Thomas has the bigger TV. He has all the newest video games and signed sports memorabilia. This is apparently worth a friendship to Carter, so it takes Thomas up on his extended hand. Over the years, they actually do become close. And I can confidently say that you will meet Thomas in Infinite Limits...
Alright. So other than the douche-baggy friends and the technical jealousy of Jade, Carter really doesn't have an excuse to act the way he does. Maybe he's just mean for the sake of being mean.
No. I wholeheartedly disagree.
Carter is an asshole. But it's not because he's mean. It's because he's HONEST.
I was so relieved to have a character speak their mind at the drop of a hat. Larson was definitely not shy about his opinions, but he still had a conscious. Carter does not. He doesn't care if he hurts someone's feelings. All he can comprehend is that he's stating a fact. He's pointing out the ugly truth for what it is. That's why I was actually entertained by his comments at the end of Three Sixty. When he calls out Audrina and her friends, saying they're like an after school special, I actually laughed out loud. Because it's true. These people have more drama in their lives than an episode of Gossip Girl. And even though it's tough stuff - even though these things really do happen - at some point we have to be able to step back and be amused. We all have to acknowledge the ridiculous sometimes, and that's what Carter Walbridge is there for.
Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to post some songs and random facts for you all! Thanks again!
Remember: it's ok to be happy!
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