Since the last post, I've plunged myself into the culture of Nashville thoroughly. Trent and I joined one of our friends last week on a trip to the local Zoo! It was very exciting for me because the last time I'd been was when I was maybe seven years old. We went pretty early in the morning and it was quite chilly, so on our first go around a lot of the animals were still in hiding. After another time around the loop they decided to peak out and say hello. We saw cougars, leopards, tigers, flamingos, and even a black widow spider! My favorite part was getting to see a turtle swim underwater in the tank. I'd never seem one swim before and I must say they are a lot swifter with their legs under there than on land!
Besides going to the zoo we've been running around the town discovering a lot of new stores and eateries. I uncovered a new Starbucks close to me that I never knew existed and we visited a bunch of used CD and movie warehouses to score some sweet deals! Last night we went to see Wicked at the Tennessee Performing Arts Center downtown. This was the second time for me after seeing it on Broadway in New York City which was an experience let me tell you. Nevertheless, even the second time it was the best musical I'd ever seen. It will always be my #1 favorite. The story is inspiring and the music is phenomenal. I encourage everyone to go see it if presented with the opportunity!
Other than my many adventures, I've been writing A LOT...
Yes, you guys would be very proud. Like I said before, I'm working very hard to develop the ending of book one so that it gives you closure and leaves you hanging at the same time. It's a really hard thing to accomplish but I am trying my best just for my audience. I am having the best time writing in the different characters points of view. They're all so unique in their own way and have such individual ways of looking at the world around them. Certain characters are super fun to be in their head because of their feistiness! Love it!
I will continue to keep everyone posted as much as I can remember to update my blog. Hopefully that's often =]
peace, love, and vampires
Important Dates:
Breaking Dawn pt 1 Soundtrack 11-08-11
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt 2 on Blu-Ray and DVD 11-11-11
Breaking Dawn pt 1 in theaters 11-18-11