Writer of Stories.

Writer of Stories.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Self-publishing with Amazon KDP

I've been researching the best ways to self-publish my book, if that's the route I decide to take, and I happened upon Kindle Direct Publishing. From what I've read or heard there are a lot of requirements and conditions they wish you to meet. I think there's something about having your book on the free download list for a certain amount of time and then depending on how far that goes is when you can change it to a paid download. I don't mind doing that but I'm not sure how it works exactly. And I'm so confused about royalties and what price to set it at and how to control it. I'm honestly very new at the whole publishing thing. I've been writing for years and have always tried to aim towards publishing but I just have so many questions. I'm hoping that I can find someone out there who's been through it (whether it be using KDP or some other type of self-publishing) who can help me through the steps. Researching on the internet can only give me so much advice. There's nothing like hearing someone else's experiences and listening to their personal advice step for step on how to go about things. That is what I'm looking for.

Does anyone have any advice about using Kindle Direct Publishing or another useful system? I would love to listen!


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