Writer of Stories.

Writer of Stories.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Infinite Limits Kindle Pre-Order - Delayed

I'm now back in Virginia, sitting at the kitchen table while my cousin is cooking stir-fry chicken and veggies. I'm here, unfortunately, because of not-so-good news. It's not terrible, but it isn't happy. I had to push back the date for the Infinite Limits pre-order on Kindle. Instead of October 1st, it's now NOVEMBER 1st. The reason is, I have to have the completed/final draft uploaded before I'm able to set the pre-order. Because I'm sending out ARCs at the beginning of November, I know the final version of the book will be completed by that time. October is pushing it for me to have the first draft back from my editors. I've stated this before, but when it comes to writing, I try not to rush it. Even in the editing process, I tend to take my time since I'm independent and have the luxury of no deadline but my own. That being said, I want to make sure that the best possible version of my novels are ready and perfected by the time they get into your hands. Your opinions are what matters most, and I cherish them greatly!


Add Infinite Limits to your to-read shelf on Goodreads -> HERE

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