I wish everyone all over the world, a magical new year!!!
Writer of Stories.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor - REVIEW

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
What can I possibly say about this novel?
Breathtaking, engaging, deep, profound, mysterious, captivating, magical?
How about all of the above? YES!
I ADORED this book right from the very beginning. It's one of the top books I've read this year. There's nothing else like it. The story is so original and the plot moves so effortlessly. I was fascinated by the characters and the depths in which Laini developed them. I LOVED it. I highly recommended it to anyone that adores fantasy novels. I, personally, love books with angels and demons, but this book was so much more than that. Laini Taylor's twist on the light and the dark makes the world she created that much more believable!
I'm honestly fangirling over it! I'm going to start the sequel immediately!
View all my reviews
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Small Circles Audiobook (PART 1)
Part 1 of the Small Circles audiobook is now on Youtube! Free for all to listen!
Check it out here -> Small Circles Audiobook (PART 1)
I will be uploading one part a week!
Check it out here -> Small Circles Audiobook (PART 1)
I will be uploading one part a week!
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
1) Due to a limited supply of the original editions of The Mind Breaker Accounts, I have chosen to go ahead and begin printing the new TRILOGY EDITIONS and stop production of the old ones. They will be available this month - just in time for Christmas! Yay!
2) There is now an official website up and running for Small Circles and Three Sixty! it's http:// storiesfromfosterandallan.com/ As of now, it doesn't have much to it. Soon, however, there will be plenty of interactive extras such as character bios, playlists, and trivia! Stay tuned for updates!
1) Due to a limited supply of the original editions of The Mind Breaker Accounts, I have chosen to go ahead and begin printing the new TRILOGY EDITIONS and stop production of the old ones. They will be available this month - just in time for Christmas! Yay!
2) There is now an official website up and running for Small Circles and Three Sixty! it's http://
Friday, November 29, 2013
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Review of Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I was very reluctant to read this series, at first - being in fear that it might be too similar to some of the other YA Fantasy stories I'd come to fall in love with. I can say for a fact now, however, that I was very, VERY wrong. This book is similar to some other novels in some ways, but they are great! To me, it's the perfect mixture between Twilight and The Mortal Instruments. It has the dangerous, forbidden romance that we all learned to crave from Bella and Edward, as well as the perfect amount of suspense and fantasy from the idea of angels roaming the earth, just like we received from Cassandra Clare's Shawdowhunters.
Personally, I have always had an obsession with angels and demons, which is why I don't know what took me so long to give this book a chance to begin with. For anyone that's looking for smoldering sexual tension with an incredibly alluring bad boy and an edge-of-your-seat plot thrill, this is the book for you!
View all my reviews
Friday, November 22, 2013
Photo Shoot with Yohannah Sherman
Check out the amazing photos from my shoot with Yohannah Sherman! You can find all of them on my Facebook page www.facebook.com/megandukebooks :)
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Important Dates
available for download
December 1st 2013
Without Me and Because of Him
Trilogy Editions
March 2014
Instead of This:
the final installment to
The Mind Breaker Accounts
September 2014
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Along with the release of Instead of This next year, you will be also to buy the Trilogy Editions of Without Me and Because of Him. The fancy set will be slightly smaller than the originals, but they will look beautiful on your bookshelf, lined up nice and pretty all together!
Own the complete set of The Mind Breaker Accounts, late 2014!
Monday, November 4, 2013
Are you in the loop?

Also, for those that have been wondering, we are still in the casting process of the Small Circles web series. Pre-production is a long road, but we are reaching the light at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully, I'll be able to share more information with you all soon :)
For now, there are two major dates you should be aware of. ONE - On DECEMBER 1st, the audiobook version of Small Circles will be dropping! TWO - throughout the month of NOVEMBER, you can enter to win a free copy of Three Sixty through Goodreads! You can enter here -> https://www.goodreads.com/giveaway/show/70770-three-sixty-a-companion-to-small-circles
In the meantime, I've revamped my website with lots of exciting extra features, including promotional photos from Three Sixty and several videos from my personal vlog, Meggie Captured. So, if you want to know more about me, check out some of the videos on my website! I did the Draw My Life tag and the Best Friend tag a while back :)
Friday, November 1, 2013
I'm doing another giveaway throughout the month of November for the companion to Small Circles, Three Sixty! You can enter here ....
Thursday, October 31, 2013
It's here! THREE SIXTY is here!
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Three Sixty comes out in 17 days!
17 days until Three Sixty will be released! I can honestly say I love these characters with my whole heart, and I am so incredibly grateful to have been the one to tell their story!
By writing the companion to Small Circles, I not only hoped to provide my readers with a better sense of closer with the four main characters, but I wanted them to understand another side of the story. Audrina is one of my favorite characters, and Three Sixty is her chance to shine.
I want to thank all everyone that has communicated their love for Small Circles and anticipation for the companion. It means so much! All I’ve ever wanted to do was write a story that could mean something to someone, and I think I’ve done just that.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
"The God Box"

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book is exactly what I've been looking for! The truth of it is outstanding! Anyone that struggles with balancing their sexuality with their faith needs to give this a read. Believing in God and being gay are two things I never thought could mix, but this book proved me otherwise. This story put many ideas into perspective for me and proved that everything we believe is open to interpretation. Great book!
View all my reviews
I recently read the book The God Box by Alex Sanchez. It was a book I was very interested in from the beginning, due to my curiosity of mixing sexuality and spirituality. Growing up, I've always been taught that Christians believe homosexuality to be a sin. I believed that because of the endless amounts of scripture they tossed out with their arguments to back it up. I didn't question it until I got older. As a young adult, I've come to understand the struggle that homosexual teens, and adults, come face to face with on a daily basis. The amount of judgement and ridicule just seemed downright mean. I researched the subject and became very passionate about it. I don't classify myself as being a Christian and believing in a "God", but I do believe there is something bigger. I've come to consider the higher power that guides us to be the idea of fate or destiny. I do think that everything happens for a reason, and I don't think that people BORN with an attraction to the same sex is a mistake. I've spoken with several people that are dealing with all sides of this, and they all claim it is NOT A CHOICE. I 100% agree. Why would an almighty, loving God create a strain of people with a purposeful sin just to shun them and cast them to hell? It doesn't seem fair. I believe that no matter who you are, what you've done, where you've been, or what you believe, it's okay to be happy. Take hold of it when it's presented to you, because you never know what could happen.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Monday, August 26, 2013
Big Plans!
Hello all!
I haven't actually written a blog post in a very long time, but today I thought it was necessary! I am now being managed by the lovely Laurent Lyle! We've set out lots of great things to accomplish in the next year or so, and I must tell you, they are all sooo exciting! I have several surprises up my sleeve, but the first I can share is this: I will be recording the audiobook version of Small Circles in a studio very soon! It will be available on Soundcloud to listen for free, and will also be up for download on my website! I'll be updating everyone on the progress of that soon, but for now I have one major release to get out there.... THREE SIXTY! The official book trailer will be posted on Saturday (8-31) and the book will be dropped on Halloween! That's right, the companion to Small Circles comes out October 31st! Hope you all are just as excited as I am!
Keep in touch :)
P.S. Check out my finished website -> http://www.megandukebooks.com
[Follow Lauren on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/laurenlyle]
I haven't actually written a blog post in a very long time, but today I thought it was necessary! I am now being managed by the lovely Laurent Lyle! We've set out lots of great things to accomplish in the next year or so, and I must tell you, they are all sooo exciting! I have several surprises up my sleeve, but the first I can share is this: I will be recording the audiobook version of Small Circles in a studio very soon! It will be available on Soundcloud to listen for free, and will also be up for download on my website! I'll be updating everyone on the progress of that soon, but for now I have one major release to get out there.... THREE SIXTY! The official book trailer will be posted on Saturday (8-31) and the book will be dropped on Halloween! That's right, the companion to Small Circles comes out October 31st! Hope you all are just as excited as I am!
Keep in touch :)
P.S. Check out my finished website -> http://www.megandukebooks.com
[Follow Lauren on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/laurenlyle]
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Monday, August 19, 2013
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Monday, July 15, 2013
Review of Sprout by Dale Peck

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
What really caught my attention about this book, wasn't the secret that Sprout was trying (or not trying) to tell. It was all the other things. I guess that was the point of the book. His secret wasn't really a secret. It was something, as he states towards the end of the book, that everyone knew but him.
I loved the truth behind this book. The way it's written, allowed me as the reader to be placed directly into Sprout's shoes. This wasn't just because it was told in first person. Going back and forth between the current story and the essays that told about his past is what helped me to fully understand him as a person. It comes down to the basic idea that Sprout new who is was, but was afraid that other people would judge him for it. How could he not think this way? His father judged him by not caring, his teacher judged him by caring too much, and his best friend judged him merely out of jealousy. The one thing that really defined him became something of a ball and chain. So he fixated on other aspects of himself - more physical ones to be more exact - such as dying his hair green.
To me, his green hair gave the other kids a more tangible thing to make fun of versus the other, more personal thing that would have actually hurt a lot more. Being gay wasn't his "secret", but really it was the thing that formed his problem: not being able to say, "I love you".
View all my reviews
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Friday, June 28, 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Monday, June 17, 2013
Thursday, May 23, 2013
I'll get there. It better be worth the trip. (REVIEW)

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
What I loved so much about this novel was the idea that it doesn't necessarily end on a happy note. Things aren't completely resolved in Davy's world, and the notion of "I'll get there..." really comes into play. By the end, of the book he's still just a 13 year old boy, which shows he's no where near figuring his life out yet. He has, however, come to a much better place of understanding and respect with his special friend.
I think this is one of the most honest and truthful gay young adult novels out there. No wonder John Donovon is respected for this work so much. He really did set a precedent for future authors of the same category.
Brilliant read for all ages!
View all my reviews
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
"it's okay to be happy" - first look!
Here is a look at the first few seconds of the "it's okay to be happy" campaign!
Friday, April 12, 2013
Huge Congrats!

first few weeks of April, I am now going to be able to donate $50 in royalties to The Human Rights Campaign! Great job guys! This is actually really great because I get about $2 per book! Every little bit counts! Thanks for showing your support and I hope you enjoy reading!
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Happy Book Release everyone!!! The ebook version is up NOW on amazon.com :)
The paperback version of Small Circles has not shown up yet on amazon, but it should be there sometime today... if not DEFINITELY tomorrow! I'll keep everyone posted :)
The paperback version of Small Circles has not shown up yet on amazon, but it should be there sometime today... if not DEFINITELY tomorrow! I'll keep everyone posted :)
Small Circles is the story of four friends over four years of their young adult lives in Tennessee. Starting in their sophomore year at a boarding school and continuing through their freshman years at different universities, the friends face the same trials most teenagers face today, as well as a few other things. This inspiring story touches base with the struggles of defining oneself in spite of homosexuality, drug addiction, suicide, and heartbreak. Most of all it sends one message: it’s okay to be happy.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Friday, February 22, 2013

Because I'm so passionate about this campaign, I want more of you to get involved! In Small Circles, a poem is mentioned and read. This poem was written by me, but in the book it derives from one of the characters and is used to give an important message. I want that message to be heard loud and clear, not just in the book, but in our everyday lives! So, I'm giving everyone that wants to help the chance to be a part of the campaign video!
If you want to help, contact me on Twitter or Facebook with your name, your email, where you're from, and why you want to participate. I'll send you a copy of the poem and all you have to do is film yourself reading it to the camera. The clips I receive will be pieced together to eventually form the video!
Thanks for the support, as usual, and I can't wait to share my new novel with everyone!
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Friday, February 1, 2013
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Small Circles Playlist:
1. Always Be You - Matthew Mayfield
2. Anna Sun - Walk the Moon
3. Bad Blood - Bastille
4. Better - K'naan
5. Bleeding Out - Imagine Dragons
6. Blue Jeans - Lana Del Rey
7. Change - Churchill
8. Decorate - Yuna
9. Different - Acceptance
10. Eyes Wide Open - Gotye
11. Far From Home - Five Finger Death Punch
12. Figure 8 - Ellie Goulding
13. Follow Fashion - XO Man ft. Ed Sheeran, Master Shortie, Mikill Pane, & Sincere
14. For the First Time - The Script
15. Give Me Love (True Tiger Mix) - Ed Sheeran
16. Glad You Came - The Wanted
17. Hear Me - Imagine Dragons
18. Heart In Wire - Matthew Mayfield
19. Hopeless Wanderer - Mumford & Sons
20. If You Only Knew - Shinedown
21. In My City - Ellie Goulding
22. Lego House (Gosling Remix) - Ed Sheeran ft. P. Money
23. Lessons in Love - Neon Trees ft. Kaskade
24. Lonely Boy - The Black Keys
25. Lullabies - Yuna
26. Make This Go On Forever - Snow Patrol
27. The Middle - Jon McLaughlin
28. Otherside (Ryan Lewis Remix) - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis ft. Fences
29. Remember Everything (Remix) - Five Finger Death Punch
30. Run For Your Life - The Fray
32. Salvation - Gabrielle Aplin
33. Same Love - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis ft. Mary Lambert
34. Satellite - The Wanted
35. Save My Heart - Jason Reeves
36. Sunshine & City Lights - Greyson Chance
37. Sweet Disposition - The Temper Trap
38. This Love (Will Be Your Downfall) - Ellie Goulding
39. Titanium - Madilyn Bailey
40. To Build A Home - The Cinematic Orchestra ft. Patrick Watson
40. To Build A Home - The Cinematic Orchestra ft. Patrick Watson
41. The Walk - Hanson
42. We All Need Saving - Jon McLaughlin
43. We Come Running - Youngblood Hawke
44. Weightless - Black Lab
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Thursday, January 3, 2013
about Small Circles
Small Circles - a novel
by Megan Duke
Small Circles is the story of four friends over four years of their young adult lives. Starting in their sophomore years at a boarding school and continuing through their freshman years at different Universities, the friends face the same trials most teenagers face today, as well as a few other things. This inspiring story touches base with the struggles of defining oneself, homosexuality, drug addiction, suicide, and heartbreak. Most of all it sends one message: it’s okay to be happy.
MARCH 2013
by Megan Duke
MARCH 2013
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Small Circles - Official Playlist (playlist)
Here is the official playlist for "Small Circles" - a novel by Megan Duke.
Coming in March of 2013.
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